Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke ~ Happy Mother's Day Mommy

Poor Luke is sick today. He's been running a low fever and vomitting. Hopefully he'll feel good enough to enjoy a little bit of his birthday.

I took him to the balloon store to pick up his birthday balloon the other day. All of the way there he said, "Dee Dee Ba-ll-oon!!!" It was so cute. He was so excited about the Thomas party items. Then he saw Curious George items and wanted both. It took him only a few moments to decide on only Thomas. So cute!!!

~~~Happy Birthday Luke!!! ~~~

As the day progressed, he began to feel better. He had his moments of not being 100%, but definitely enjoyed himself. Here are some highlights from him birthday.

Emily and Luke made kites... and then tried to fly them. It was really cute.
His #2 candle. He was pretty excited about holding it.Luke stood in awe over how many presents were waiting for him... and so many had Thomas on them!!!Luke's new train whistle.The Singleton Train Fan TrioLuke's reaction while opening his Dee Dee Duffle Bag. I love being 2!!!

*** ~~~ *** ~~~
Luke and Mommy posed for a picture while helping him warm up to the idea of taking a picture by himself. This was the first picture session without Sissy and he definitely missed her.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Grandma is doing much better

The kids and I flew up to spend a week with Grandma while she stayed at the Meijer Heart Center in Grand Rapids, MI. She was discharged and went home to live with Uncle Lyle and Aunt Joyce the day we flew back to FL.

During our visit, we stayed with Mike and Pepper. The kids LOVED playing with Oliva, Jack and all of the kittens.