Friday, January 30, 2009

A New Alphabet??? - Reflection of January

Emily decided to create her own alphabet. She started asking me what A - B would be... and suggested -A. This is so funny, because we haven't addressed negative numbers in math yet.
She also asked what A +, A + A and AA would be in the alphabet. Oh well. I find her little imagination so fun to keep up with.

Emily has been quite the artist this month... here are some of her pieces:
A self portrait...
Luke and Emily... through the eyes of Emily.fancy artwork on a card sent to family...Middle Eastern Tile Design Featuring a Slide, Rotation and Flip Wood Art... using scrap pieces of wood. Depending on your view, it has a different story.
This is a creature... can you see the face.Theater seatingA balance beam connecting two platforms

A monster/alien created by Emily to scare Bob Bob in December. She used the glue peeled off of a shipping box to make her creature. Bob Bob was scared!!!
And... we had a winter blast. We've never walked out the front door in the morning to see this:

Homeschool Fun... Emily makes her own super market using predetermined prices. (She struggled with the lack of reality of these prices.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Poems by Emily

Emily wrote two new poems today (with a little bit of mommy's help).

Here they are:

To Pop Pop - Love Emily

I once knew a place, called Ocean City.
Everytime I visit, I get real gitty.

I get real gitty, when I see my Pop Pop and Nan
and then my little brother, pretends he's Superman.

When he pretends he's Superman, he thinks he can fly.
Sometimes he chases me on Pop Pop's hill, and forgets to comply.

He forgets to comply, and then starts to cry.
So Pop Pop takes us to Dumser's, and ice cream we spy.

Ice cream we spy, like the boardwalk rides.
With smiles on our face, our excitement is so hard to hide.


To Mom Mom - Love Emily (1st Try)

I like to spend my summer, visiting Bethany Beach.
If we should see a lizard, Mom Mom would let out a screech.

Mom Mom would let out a screech, if we would rock the canoe.
Perhaps one time we'll really tip over, what would we do?

What would we do, if we were suddenly swimming with leeches?
Perhaps we would scream, and find safety on the beaches.

We'll find safety on the beaches, with Bob Bob waiting to help.
Oh he'll be laughing, as we all let out our yelps!

We all let out our yelps, which quickly turn to giggles.
Then we'll all burst out in song, as we boogie down with the Wiggles!

(2nd Try...)

In the summer, I like to visit Bethany Beach
Playing piano, which Mom Mom likes to teach.

Mom Mom likes to teach, and I like her antiques.
We like to giggle, and spend our day on the beach.

Spend our day on the beach, Kayson and I make lots of castles.
Then Daddy and Luke run by with a dolphin, and leave us all baffled.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Emily delights in the little surprises of life

Emily has now advanced to playing more than one note at a time with her piano music. She still looks at new, difficult pieces of music and get scared... but she's approaching them with more confidence and delights in the result. She's learning new pieces much quicker now and LOVES playing melodic 2nd and 3rds.

Emily has been quite the artist lately. She has made some amazing Middle Eastern Tile Designs and yesterday made an amazing abstract wood sculpture. She likes to have us look at it at different angles so she can describe what image was created on that angle. In all, she has four pieces of work in one sculpture. It's quite amazing.

Peace of Mind...

1 Timothy 6:8 puts life in perspective.
Peace of mind can only come from reaching contentment. Being content with all of the blessings God has given us (whether they are how you would have picked them or not) and realizing we can completely trust in Him to provide exactly what we need brings great peace to my life.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Luke Declares He Has A Best Friend!!!

Yesterday evening Luke's Pop Pop called. Keith asked him if he wanted to talk to Pop Pop and he said, "Yes, Pop Pop's my best friend!" He continued to say it all night long. We're not quite sure what brought this on, but it's very cute and endearing. It goes without saying that Pop Pop is thrilled.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Tooth!!!

Emily is beaming with excitement today... she lost her second tooth.

Here's the story:

It was just hanging around for several days now. She tried to pull it out with a paper towel on Saturday but said it hurt when she tried, so she stopped trying. She asked me this morning how many more days I thought it might be before it fell out and my response was a generous 'one day.' Moments later she was eating her breakfast and spit out a mouthfull of food on to a napkin. I asked her what was wrong and she said there was something hard in it. She looked confused and surprised but instantly took a new bite. I thought about it for a minute, still thinking this was quite strange and then realized... her tooth!!! Calmly I asked her if her tooth was still loose or if it had fallen out. She panicked and spit out the new mouthful and asked me to check for her. It was gone... then she panicked again and half crying asked how she would find it while looking at her pile of half-chewed food. She quickly began seaching and found it... and then dropped it... then found it again on the tile floor. I told her she had a hot potato tooth, as it kept escaping. She's determined not to let Daddy take it tonight by means of the tooth fairy and instead wants to start a collection of her baby teeth to auction off later. I'm sure she's not the first child eager to keep their baby teeth. :-) We'll see what Daddy has to say about her idea.

Something Fun... Give it a Try!!


To my 'select' group of strange-minded friends:

Only great minds can read this.

This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearer at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Celebrating Angela's Birthday

Here are some highlights of our Epcot trip. Hope you enjoy the pictures

Kingdom of Morocco

Viva Mexico!

The churro was YUMMY! Norway
wonderful pasteries...

raspberry glaze, chocolate pound cake (Angela's Birthday Cake)Chocolate mousse cake
Beautiful Sights
Luke in Japanese (left) and Moroccan (right)

Luke in Chinese

Emily in Chinese
Emily was fascinated by their socks (designed for wearing with flip flops), origami and their toys.

Emily's candy unicorn

Japanese candy artist.

Look, we can eat with chop sticks!!! Japanese night lightsGermany The kids have their first encounter with sauerkraut.

FranceFrench pasteries

Look, we're astronauts!!