Friday, July 10, 2009

So many new NEWS topics... a must read

1. Luke can swim!!! He's been doing this for about a month now, but I have failed to post it. He jumps in the pool and swims to me approx. 5 - 7 ft.
2. Luke chipped his front tooth, again! 9 months ago he did this with a face plant on a down hill sloped driveway. This time he did it when playing chase and running into the dryer door. I'm a little concerned about this.

3. Emily lost her front left tooth (FINALLY), after it dangled for days. Sadly, she swallowed it with her ice cream. It was quite tramatic and led into an anatomy and digestive tract science lesson. The poor thing. Now her front right tooth is bucked out all by itself and has no defense. It's getting bumped regularly and looser every moment. She's soon to be toothless in the front upper jaw. At least she's mastered the art of eating on the side of her mouth.

4. We have mastered the are of free fun and entertainment! Yesterday we enjoyed a free movie at the theater along with a free lunch. Today we dressed up like cows for a free combo meal at Chick-Fil-A, followed by free bowling!
Mooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Will Moo for food!!Gator and Blueberry Themed Cows! Bowling with friends... the Cellucci (Joseph and Jonathan) and Bonham (Gracie and Sydnie) families!
5. Luke is also my little stunt man. I find him jumping off of most anything (especially furniture) or testing the limits of his body and furniture. He likes to play with toys taking the approach of 'How much can it with-stand before it will break!' Then he just likes to play with the broken pieces. I'm trying not to stress out about it.
6. Luke - Our Knight that's here to save the day. Luke simply loves to use his air gun to shoot us or other imaginary bad guys. He seems to have the 'super hero' lifestyle on his brain, a lot! This is so not like my precious and princess-like Emily as a toddler.

7. Luke is constantly asking me questions about stories we've read. He remembers the character names and is begging to hear it again. Right this very minute he's asking about Farmer Bunce and Farmer Beans from 'Fantastic Mr. Fox.' Emily is terrific in handling Luke's many questions. She's so sweet and patient with him (most of the time). She enjoys reading to him now that she can actually read.
8. Learning a new lifestyle, being frugal with everything. The kids now include the idea of using coupons for most every purchase request or idea. It comes up in conversation A LOT. In fact, the kids loved dressing up as cows so much today that they have decided they want to continue to do that at home. They mentioned they would find a coupon to give to mommy along with their costume in full appearance in exchange for mommy's homecooked meals! Too cute. They have also learned to be patient (waiting for a sale) and not make a purchase spontaneously. Also, if there's something in particular that they really want to buy, they instantly think of ways I can help them with my coupons. They have heard me talk about specific things being a money maker, and how much of a profit they generate that they know to ask me for some of those coupons to pair with what they want to buy so that it won't cost them anything. I can't wait to see how this will impact the rest of their lives, on a positive note! What an amazing skill this is to share with the kids!
8. so much more... coming soon.

Summer Trip to the Northern Beaches with Family

so many pix to come