Oh July... such mixed feeling I experienced this July. We started the month on vacation, visiting family in MD/DE. I thoroughly enjoyed my daily morning run and the cooler temps, sunny days, beach, and on and on. I also had a great time with my camera. ;)
Just before heading to MD, my dad was experiencing several odd symptoms that turned out to be cellulitis. In early July I remember calling my grandmother to chat. The last chat was the weekend of July 4th. It turns out this was my last opporunity to talk to her. We had our usual conversation. She wasn't feeling her best, she didn't really understand why she was still around, she shared her enjoyment of watching the birds from her front window, she talked a little bit about the weather or what Clifton was doing, etc. And as usual, when I reminded her we were planning to return next summer to see her, she made sure to remind me she might not be there. And me, as per the usual, played it down and kept the positive tone. I knew though... I knew, just was hoping it would be later versus sooner. Not long after that converstaion I got the call that she was in the hospital.
Still... vacation carried on (while I kept daily updates on my dad and grandmother), as did life upon return to FL. Here are some experiences that I remember:
Still... vacation carried on (while I kept daily updates on my dad and grandmother), as did life upon return to FL. Here are some experiences that I remember:
July 16th - My son has dressed himself for bed... pj shorts and a winter fleece. It gets more fun every day! He's been wearing winter bottoms for the past few days... so shorts is a GOOD change. LOL.
July 17th - In reflection recently, I realized it's a lot easier for someone to forgive another when offended if they are currently heart-focused on Christ. It is much harder to forgive an offense that took place before your heart was focused on Christ.
July 26th - My dear, sweet grandmother, is now in the arms of our precious Father. May she dance once more and sing His glory.
(It turns out she passed while I layed in bed praying for her, praying God's will for her, praying for her to pass peacefully. I was taken out of prayer time to receive a call from my mom with the news. It was 10:30p. I began packing my bags (the kids were already packed) and preparing to leave in the morning. Keith began checking on flights, etc. An hour later I called Irma to share the news... I'll never forget that conversation.)
July 29th - Lord, hear my prayers... sustain me today. Protect us in our travels and help us through the events of today. Amen.
(Grandma's funeral was scheduled for the afternoon of the day we were flying in... just a couple of hours after our flight. I hadn't been able to sleep for days at this point and only managed to rest for one hour before driving the kids and a friend (who graciously tagged along to help us) to the Clearwater airport for our 7a flight. We left just before 3a, arriving to the airport without any problems. I remember dressing the kids in the bathroom after we were checked in and ready. They were amazing! Our flight was amazing too. I was SO tired, but we made it. Then the ride to Coldwater, lunch with my parents and Dan... and then to the funeral home. I was a bit stunned when the minister and family asked me to speak for Grandma. Just stunned. Thoughts of how tired I was... the emotions, I just didn't know if I had it in me. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to help. He did... He really did. After briefly talking to the minister (and struggling with the tears of his insistance to describe her as a Proverbs 31 woman), I asked him if I could use Psalm 23. He was a bit taken back with my request but agreed it could be mine to use. The words that I shared and addressed with the family were truly of the Holy Spirit. It was all that had been on my heart for so long, and those that I believed were on Grandma's too. The need for forgiveness. The need to find that place of peace. The minister backed up my words and reinforced them. It was truly beautiful and I trust they were pleasing to our Heavenly Father and to my Grandmother. And... He DID sustain me. He truly did!)