Monday, April 9, 2007

Always a surprise...

Emily and Luke continue to take us by surprise. At least they are joyful and pleasant surprises.

While we were at Luke's doctor's appointment, he caught the attention of all of the girls in the office. He would smile and flirt with the nurses and doctors and even say, "hiya" as he waved both of his hands. He was very very cute. Later in the day he greeted his daddy by saying, "tickle, tickle, tickle," while he tickled his own toes. Keith was so surprised that he picked up the phone and told his dad all about it.

Our precious Emily was practicing her princess manners today. As we walked around the hospital she would randomly pick a stranger and say, "Excuse me. My name is Emily and I'm 4 years old." All of which while she holds out her four fingers to them. She was sure to dress herself for the special occassion... wearing a white, pink and green easter dress with red socks and a white sweater... and of course a pink hair bow.

In preparation for Easter, Emily decided to take about 250 stuffed eggs from the church with intent to distribute them to the whole community. She sure delivered her promise to do so and took them with her to our neighborhood pool two days in a row and then finished handing them out at the mall on Friday afternoon. She was so polite and adorable that people (adults and kids) were taken away by her offer of an egg to them after first greeting them with, "excuse me, I have an egg for you," and finishing with, "I hope you have a happy Easter." A few asked why she was handing out eggs. When then did she was so excited to share with them that the eggs contained a special golden ticket inviting them to attend our church for Easter so that they can learn about how Jesus died on the cross for their sins. Emily also made 'Happy Easter' drawings and cards for each pastor at our church. They were all delighted to receive them. Emily was thrilled to hear Pastor Max tell her that he wanted to hang his on his wall in his office. She also prepared special tithe offerings for Jesus. Below is a picture of the envelopes. In all, she created four special envelopes. Keith and I have to admit, we are very proud of her.

Here are some pictures of Luke playing with some yarn on Easter day.

Many blessings to you. Thanks for reading. Love, Angela

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