Friday, August 24, 2007

New Words!

Luke's New Words at 15 Months Include:

Amen (said once at the dinner table after we prayed as a family)
Uhh-Ohh! (said A LOT!)
Issy (Sissy)

Luke's Dr. has suggested a high calorie diet for our busy little guy. His weight hasn't changed and he is now busy walking, sorta running, climbing on and off of the couch (while proudly smiling), crawling and enjoying all of our toy stations throughout the house. He doesn't always enjoy sitting in his chair during meal time, but will usually entertain us while nibbling. (He's a real ham and LOVES attention.)

His favorite foods include pizza, mac 'n cheese, corn, peas, beef, beans (legumes), cheese sticks (the whole stick), cookies, grapes and crackers. He hates cow's milk (and drinkable yogurt) and appears to be upset over being tricked when I fill his sippy cup with milk instead of water. He will actually yell and throw his cup after taking a sip.

He also likes to receive and give raspberries. He will actually pull our heads down to his belly so we will blow on him. :-) Likewise, he will turn my head to get her attention so he can smile at me. He loves to whisper to us, rub noses with us, share secrets and sweet nothings, give high 5s, growl, pretend to talk, sing and dance along with the ABCs (Leap Frog Fridge Phonics), type on the computer, play with the computer mouse, wear things around his neck, brush our hair, rub my arm, blow kisses and try new silly moves or faces in hopes for a giggle.

This evening he knew he was in trouble when I called his name. Instead of turning to look at me with a guilty look, he turned and smiled while blowing me a kiss! Can you believe it?!? Emily used to bat her eyes at us... Luke just blows me a kiss when he knows he's in trouble. Amazing!

Thanks for reading.

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