Saturday, September 29, 2007

New Happenings

We recently spent a weekend with Uncle John.... This one's for you!!! HI UNCLE JOHN! WE MISS YOU!!!

Emily's New Stuff:
- Tries to teach Luke how to clean up his toys.
- Loves to play chase.
- Enjoys a great game of hide and seek.
- Enjoys wrapping Luke up like a baby and pretending he's still an infant.
- Loves to sing to Luke.

Luke's New Stuff:
- Pretends to be a lion or other ferocious beast.
- Hides Emily's hairbrush, the telephone, jewelry, baby monitor, etc.
- Walks around the house singing, babbling, saying "Momma" and "Uh-Oh" in a million different ways.
-When he walks with shoes on, he will periodically stop, bend down and play with his shoe laces. Sometimes he will do this little trick when he starts to lose his balance, as though disguising his motives.
- Loves to play at the playground at Emily's school. (He even cries and throws tantrums when I try to leave with him.)
- Loves to chase Emily around the house.
- Enjoys helping Emily with her bath (pouring water on her, holding the shower head, etc.)
- Tries to put on his on sun lotion and enjoys rubbing it on.
- Tries to spit into the sink everytime he's near it and the water is running. (He first started doing this while brushing his teeth. Now he wants to spit everytime someone will pick him up and hold him near a sink with running water.)
- Loves to CLIMB!!! He's been found on top of numerous things or even dangling from a counter top after climbing on top of his toy bin to reach the counter. He's a mess!!
- His nickname: Bugaboo (or Little Stinker)
- He's figured out that he will get a warm and inviting response from strangers if he waves to or smiles at them.
- You can catch him trying to sweep and mop our floors almost daily, if not several times a day.
- He always gives daddy a good-bye hug before saying 'bye' and waving to him.

AND... His latest GAME:
- He will pull his diaper off, hand it to me and then take off running while giggling. The more I chase him, the louder his giggles!!! He's a little handful, that's for sure.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Luke Faces Forward... Finally!

Luke has finally reached a the milestone of being able to face forward in our car.

He's really enjoying it and no longer cries for me when he rides alone. He appears mesmorized by all that is going on through the view of the front window. :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

James 3:13-14 and 18

Who is wise and understanding amoung you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy and selfseeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.

Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

-Please pray for Keith's healing from this weekend's events.-

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Emily's New Word... Hospitality

Emily's school discusses one character trait each month... and this month it's 'Hospitality.' We hear all about 'hospitality,' what it means, when Emily is applying it, etc. The best part of her sharing this with us is hearing her pronounce it! She gets it right... but it's so darn cute!

We are also enjoying stories about her and her friends chasing the 5-yo boys... because the boys ask them to (supposedly). :-) She reported being sad on Friday when her teacher told her and her little friend that they couldn't chase the other kids around the playground. This is just one of many stories that she shares with us. They are all really cute.

Luke... he's quite the little guy now. If he's not getting his way around his sister he has the particular yell to call for attention. He definitely fights back and won't let her take things from him like he used to. He's a sweetie though and blows us kisses frequently. He has now figured out that if he waves to people, they light up and give him positive attention... making him a little social bug everywhere we go.

-Thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine!!!

Luke's new word... "Mine!" As you can imagine, it doesn't go over well when combined with him walking over to Emily and taking her toy while showing off his new ability to say, "mine."

:-) Oh, how the fighting between the two of them has begun. We're working on it... through grace and with lots of patience.

Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6

There's a new girl in Luke's life... Snow White! She is currently his favorite toy.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

He's speaking short sentences and we're understanding them!

Yesteday Luke said the following:

Check It Out!
Loot at This!
and in response to a question ("What is it?") he said A Cup!

Things are getting very exciting around here!