Saturday, September 15, 2007

Emily's New Word... Hospitality

Emily's school discusses one character trait each month... and this month it's 'Hospitality.' We hear all about 'hospitality,' what it means, when Emily is applying it, etc. The best part of her sharing this with us is hearing her pronounce it! She gets it right... but it's so darn cute!

We are also enjoying stories about her and her friends chasing the 5-yo boys... because the boys ask them to (supposedly). :-) She reported being sad on Friday when her teacher told her and her little friend that they couldn't chase the other kids around the playground. This is just one of many stories that she shares with us. They are all really cute.

Luke... he's quite the little guy now. If he's not getting his way around his sister he has the particular yell to call for attention. He definitely fights back and won't let her take things from him like he used to. He's a sweetie though and blows us kisses frequently. He has now figured out that if he waves to people, they light up and give him positive attention... making him a little social bug everywhere we go.

-Thanks for reading.

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