Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Kids Enjoy the Lightshow

Enjoy these pictures of the kids playing in the yard while the lights are on. Keith is busy working on the lightshow programming. It's going to be great! We have snowing snowflakes, a dancing mega tree, handmade light balls (made from plastic cups and and staples), and chasing lights outlining our house.

New Developments:

*Emily caught me being teary-eyed during a movie recently and she asked me (with a very concerned voice), "Mommy, are you melting?" It was cute.
*Luke can say, "Ready, Set, Go!!!!" (Usually this is said when he's found sitting in a laudry basket.)
*We frequently find one of the kids in a laundry basket with the other one pulling them around the house (as though carpet sledding). (Soon it will be time for carpet angels too!!!)
*If Luke sees a pair of his shoes, watch out. He just doesn't understand why he can't go outside if he shows us his shoes. He wants them on his little feet so he can go outside to play. Lesson to remember, hide his shoes until we're ready to go outside. (The poor thing is begging at the moment.)
*Luke loves to 'honk' our noses! It's a fun icebreaker for him.
*Luke likes to touch one of our body parts (eyes, ears, mouth, belly button, etc.) and then touch his to show us that we have matching parts.

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