Friday, February 8, 2008

You Are My Princess... Daddy-Daughter Dinner Dance

Keith and Emily attended their first Daddy-Daughter Dinner Dance together on Keith's 36th birthday. Emily was so excited and LOVED her new dress! Enjoy the pictures. Stories will be added once they return from their evening out.

~Prayer for a Daughter~
I am sending you out like sheep amoung wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. -Matthew 10:16
You've blessed my daughter Emily with a sweet, guileless, and giving nature. What a gift she is to our family!
She's a tender lamb, a harmless dove, but look at the world we're in Lord Jesus! My prayer today is that You will keep her spirit from hurt and harm. Mature her so that her tenderness doesn't render her gullible or foolish (Hos. 7:11).
Bless her with a beautiful strength, a wise innocence, shielded vulnerability (1 Pet. 3:4-5). How much You could nurture, heal, comfort, and encourage others through such gifts, Lord!
Bring her a husband in Your time who will cherish her, honor her, and protect her for exactly these wonderful qualities.
For her whole life, I claim these truths for her from Psalm 91: You will be her true dwelling place and refuge (vs. 1-2); under Your wings she will find covering and comfort (v. 4); You will save her from terrors and fears (v. 5); You will give You angels power to guard her (vs. 11-13); You will protect her from physical and spiritual diseases (v. 6); You will answer her when she calls, because You love her (v. 15).
Yes, Lord, You will always treasure her even more than I do. I thank You and bless You!

~Above Every Name~
He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6
Dear Lord God,
Thank You that Your name is above every name:
You are our Wonderful Counselor. Your wisdom has been the foundation of all creation, yet it makes sense for my daughter today. May my daughter herar Your voice in her inner ear. "This is the way. Walk in it." Thank You for taking pleasure in being this kind of God.
You are our Mighty God. We stand amazed before You today, our faces beaming with delight but with only limited comprehension, all because of one single reality: You are an awesome and powerful God! You are the only authority worthy of worship, and we do praise You.
You are our Everlasing Father. We are always Your children (Mom and Dad, too) - Your closest of kin! Until the end of time Your will be my daughter's protector. You are always the one who knows and understands her best. Thank You that You always provide the affection, comfort, and fatherly encouragement she needs the most.
You are the Prince of Peace. Your very presence brings peace to my daughter. Your power surrounds her with a mantle of blessings and contentment. How grateful I am that when my daughter feels at war with the whole world, Your will takes up her cause, helping her to overcome conflict and reconcile with others.
For all that Your names mean, I praise You and worship You, Lord. Our family testifies that You do live up to all Your names!

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