Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New News - Luke's Vocabulary Explodes; Emily's New Changes

The New News...

1- Emily is now riding her bike daily and loving it. She doesn't need any help at all! She has been working with Luke as well, helping him with his tricycle. Now Luke is riding it by himself (mostly backwards as he's fascinated with this new discovery).

2- Luke's vocabulary has exploded! He is now using new descriptive words for his sentences and is full of pep with his speech. We're constantly amazed with the new 'news' coming from his little mouth. Emily wants to take some of the credit for this since she has been working with him, sounding out words one syllable at a time, etc. It's great.

3- Our lightshow is up and running again... and we won the award 'Best Overall' once again for our neighborhood. (Good work Keith!)

4- Emily has a piano recital (her first) on Thursday night. She's really excited about it. She has four Christmas songs that she will be playing.

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