Friday, June 19, 2009

One More Tooth... Our big news of the day

Emily lost another tooth! Here's the story:

Emily has had a tooth hanging on for weeks. She insists on letting it fall out naturally, so we have been patiently waiting. During some rough play with Luke in the kids cart at Publix, Luke bumped her mouth and blood was everywhere. Panic set in and mommy was busy down playing it (while not looking, intentionally) and keeping new paper towels on the bleeding area. Within in minutes (just as mommy was saying, 'I'm sure it will fall out sometime today honey') the tooth was officially out and Emily was filled with mixed emotions. Luckily, but the time we were in the car Emily decided to focus on the bright side of things (money... lol) and was no longer mad at her brother for knocking it loose. :-) And... fortunately, her 60 sec scare of losing her tooth in the Publix parking lot was just an oversight. The tooth was not lost. Now she's busy telling everyone, who has been giving her money for each tooth, that she has lost another one.

And... mommy saved the day at dinner time. Emily was upset she couldn't eat her corn on the cob due to her mouth sensitivities. Mommy quickly convinced her that corn off the cob, cut in rows is a special treat. Luke was convinced as well and actually requested corn rows versus his corn on the cob. :-) I suspect Luke will now as for corn in one of three ways (grandparents, take notes): 1) Corn on the cob; 2) Corn off the cob (meaning frozen corn); 3) Corn rows (corn freshly cut off the cob after cooking). :-)

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