Favorite stories include:
Valentine's Day ~ Emily made Luke a story book, complete with two stories ('Curious George' and 'Owl at Work'). He LOVED it.
Bible Study ~ While reading Exodus, Emily asked, "Why did God harden Pharoah's heart? I don't understand why He would do this and not just set his people free." Great, great question... with a long and deep, meaningful answer to come. :)
I'm treasuring a poem Emily gave me for Christmas, personalized for me... "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, My mommy you'll be."
Luke's new trend ~ Dressing up for Dinner
Luke insists on dressing in his Sunday best, complete with tie, before coming to the dinner table. It's such an honor to have this young gentleman at the dinner table. He truly blessing me and I feel honored everytime he does this. (Wouldn't you?)
Using our Imagination ~ For over a month now, Luke has changed his name each day. He's been 'Super Hero,' 'Superman,' 'Prince Echo Island,' and many more. Sometimes he says he's 'Just Luke.' He has his teachers and friends calling him by his new name too. It gets fun and difficult at the same time. Everyone agrees, the best part is seeing him wearing his cape, a hospital receiving blanket. :)
A woofing cat? Yep, only in our house. Emily has adopted a new cat (Luke, pretending to be her pet). His name is 'Woofy' and he cannot meow. Instead, he woofs! Friends who visit find this really funny. He sits next to his master waiting patiently for her to finish her schoolwork. It's really cute.
Homosassa State Park ~ We recently enjoyed a weekend in Crystal River and Homosassa, learning about manatees (and seeing them up close) and Florida's wild life. Our most memorable was the movie star, and honorary Florida citizen, Lou. He has horrible manners though. Everytime he releaves himself, he laughs. He has also been known to fling his feces, and then laugh at the audience. That's just wrong! But... the park was amazing and worth visiting. We definitely need to go again. It sure brings a true appreciation to Florida for something other than the beaches. :)

Feb. 5th - Crisis in the Singleton Home... or is it? Luke informed me he accidentally changed Emily's hair color and she was REALLY mad. With answers to a few more questions it appears he was using a plastic wand (in his words), and after he waved it her hair turned dark brown. She was really upset with him. He said he apologized, but she wouldn't forgive him. He was quite distraught by the whole experience and couldn't believe the wand worked. (I couldn't help be laugh a little.)
Feb. 20th - A cute conversation with Emily
Emily: "What is that bird trying to say?"
Me: "I don't know, I don't speak bird (with a smile)."
Emily: "You're a scientist, shouldn't you know what birds say?"
Me: "Sorry honey, that wasn't part of my education."
Emily: "Don't they teach that at the school you went to?"
Needless to say, her questions and reasoning didn't stop. She finally assumed veterinarians should know, and was disappointed to learn bird language isn't taught there either. :) Clearly the story of Dr. Doolittle made an impression on her, but reality and fiction got mixed up. LOL. We learn something new every day, huh?
The Mommy Realization...
I've recently come to realize a few things, like the fact that I will lose my nouns without any warning, making it merely impossible to finish a sentence when I most need to. What's even more funny is that all of my fellow mommy friends understand and we are able to help finish each other's sentences or thoughts without ever finding our nouns. And... there just seems to be a little auto program in my kids that tells them it's FORT BUILDING TIME! Every day I stress over the transformation of my house from presentable to ONE GIANT CITY with all cushions removed from chairs and couches, all blankets pulled off of the beds and out of closets and yes, sometimes daddy pitching in his adult expertise which includes drum equipment! It's a miracle I ever have the house back to the presentable stage, because it doesn't last long. :)

Bible Study ~ While reading Exodus, Emily asked, "Why did God harden Pharoah's heart? I don't understand why He would do this and not just set his people free." Great, great question... with a long and deep, meaningful answer to come. :)
I'm treasuring a poem Emily gave me for Christmas, personalized for me... "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, My mommy you'll be."
Luke's new trend ~ Dressing up for Dinner
Luke insists on dressing in his Sunday best, complete with tie, before coming to the dinner table. It's such an honor to have this young gentleman at the dinner table. He truly blessing me and I feel honored everytime he does this. (Wouldn't you?)
Using our Imagination ~ For over a month now, Luke has changed his name each day. He's been 'Super Hero,' 'Superman,' 'Prince Echo Island,' and many more. Sometimes he says he's 'Just Luke.' He has his teachers and friends calling him by his new name too. It gets fun and difficult at the same time. Everyone agrees, the best part is seeing him wearing his cape, a hospital receiving blanket. :)
A woofing cat? Yep, only in our house. Emily has adopted a new cat (Luke, pretending to be her pet). His name is 'Woofy' and he cannot meow. Instead, he woofs! Friends who visit find this really funny. He sits next to his master waiting patiently for her to finish her schoolwork. It's really cute.
Homosassa State Park ~ We recently enjoyed a weekend in Crystal River and Homosassa, learning about manatees (and seeing them up close) and Florida's wild life. Our most memorable was the movie star, and honorary Florida citizen, Lou. He has horrible manners though. Everytime he releaves himself, he laughs. He has also been known to fling his feces, and then laugh at the audience. That's just wrong! But... the park was amazing and worth visiting. We definitely need to go again. It sure brings a true appreciation to Florida for something other than the beaches. :)

Feb. 20th - A cute conversation with Emily
Emily: "What is that bird trying to say?"
Me: "I don't know, I don't speak bird (with a smile)."
Emily: "You're a scientist, shouldn't you know what birds say?"
Me: "Sorry honey, that wasn't part of my education."
Emily: "Don't they teach that at the school you went to?"
Needless to say, her questions and reasoning didn't stop. She finally assumed veterinarians should know, and was disappointed to learn bird language isn't taught there either. :) Clearly the story of Dr. Doolittle made an impression on her, but reality and fiction got mixed up. LOL. We learn something new every day, huh?
The Mommy Realization...
I've recently come to realize a few things, like the fact that I will lose my nouns without any warning, making it merely impossible to finish a sentence when I most need to. What's even more funny is that all of my fellow mommy friends understand and we are able to help finish each other's sentences or thoughts without ever finding our nouns. And... there just seems to be a little auto program in my kids that tells them it's FORT BUILDING TIME! Every day I stress over the transformation of my house from presentable to ONE GIANT CITY with all cushions removed from chairs and couches, all blankets pulled off of the beds and out of closets and yes, sometimes daddy pitching in his adult expertise which includes drum equipment! It's a miracle I ever have the house back to the presentable stage, because it doesn't last long. :)
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