Sunday, May 2, 2010

News for Spring 2010

As we approach Luke's 4th birthday, our family has been incredibly busy. Doing what, you ask? Well lets see... we've spent 3 days at Kennedy Space Center, celebrated the end of another great year of worship dance at Grace with a Celebration Program, celebrated Luke's birthday with Pop Pop and Nan at Moon Cafe, attended kid workshops at Lowe's, Home Depot and Michael's Crafts... along with all of the normal daily/weekly activities. :) We sure stay busy.

As the school year comes to a close, we're celebrating Emily's accomplishments and Luke's eagerness to learn. Emily has completed her online typing class, another year of art with Ms. Jane, her 2nd year of piano (advancing to level 3 of Bastien), intro to Latin, Saxon Math 2, LA 2 (now placing into advanced 3rd grade LA), cursive handwriting, and so much more. She LOVES to read, and is comfortably reading small chapter books. She's been beautiful to watch this year. My favorite part has been to helping her write and illustrate story books for Luke.

And Luke... he is so eager to read, write, do math, etc. He can nearly fool people with his memorized book of Me Too, Woody! I'll never forget the look on Pop Pop's face, as though he was asking me if there was something I hadn't told him about. Priceless. I'll definitely help develop his desire this coming year and see where it takes us.

So what's ahead this spring? Well, we plan to help my grandmother plant her garden for Mother's Day weekend. It will be a very special treat to spend this holiday with her and my mom. Grandma's in great spirits, eager to see us. And... we will get to hear stories of how our plants are doing, knowing they will bring her great joy and nourishment in the coming months. Then... we'll be starting a worship dance program at our church. I'll have the priviledge of teaching this group for an August performance. The kids and I are truly excited. Later this summer we'll be visiting family at the beach for some rest and relaxation. And all of the inbetween times... we'll be floating around our pool for sure. :)

Lastly... my favorite memory from this spring was Emily's decision to be baptized on Easter. It was a precious time. She was so eager and certain of her decision, beaming with joy and peace. She partook in her first communion following her baptism last night at church. She was truly delighted to fully partake with the rest of the congregation.

That's all for now... so much is happening so fast. I'll try to find more time to post more precious moments.

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